Business to business

Ons dynamisch en groeiend bedrijf zoekt partners zoals u, om Uw en onze business mee uit te breiden.


Voor bedrijven profileren wij ons als ontwikkelingspartner voor nieuwe en bestaande koeltoepassingen en innovatieve koelapplicaties. We zoeken bedrijven die koeling willen toepassen, en die bereid zijn om te innoveren om zodoende een unieke voorsprong te verwerven in hun eigen branche. Ook ontwikkelen wij specifieke koelsystemen in opdracht van en naar wens van u als opdrachtgever. Zie hiervoor ook "Zakelijke markt".

Partners in business

Naast onze eigen ontwikkelingen en producten zijn we voortdurend op zoek naar partners die opzoek zijn om hun eigen producten in de markt te zetten waarbij onze koeltechnologie een onderdeel van kan zijn. Waardevolle contacten en referenties hebben we reeds met de volgende bedrijven: zie hiervoor partners.

Manier van samenwerken

We starten een project meestal op projectbasis en werken van het begin aan een goede samenwerking voor langere termijn. In de toekomst willen we voor U de partner zijn die U kan raadplegen over alle vragen die met koeltechniek te maken hebben. Daaruit voortvloeiend ontwikkelen we samen met u nieuwe toepassingen en innovative producten die interessant zijn voor Uw markt.

Wij zijn van mening dat we met onze eigen koeltechnologie reeds een goed begin hebben gemaakt om toekomstige ontwikkelingen te kunnen doen in de koelingtechniek in het algemeen en Peltier techniek in het bijzonder, en willen U graag uitdagen om daar Uw kansen mee te verzegelen.


Vlag-GBSee below for bussines opportunities


A Dutch SME offers a patented cooling technology suitable for all kinds of cooling applications and is now looking for companies that can use this technology in their products. The new cooling system is small and has a great performance and is worldwide patented. It is suitable for applications such as e.g. cooling boxes, car airco systems and many others. The company is looking for industrial partners, particularly in the consumer business, for licensing, engineering and supporting the new technology.


The cooling system developed by a Dutch SME is based on direct water-cooling of Peltier elements (electric cooling elements) for increasing the energy transfer between the Peltier element and environment. In this way the performance can be increased significantly. Not only the Top-Cool direct water-cooling system is remarkable also the way of using it. The Peltier Elements (Thermo Electric Cooler, TEC) are embedded in a flexible gasket (sealing rubber) by its outer edges. In this way the main area remains free to contact the direct water-cooling. In this way there are no longer high tolerances necessary for the TECs, and production tolerances can be much wider and therefore cheaper then before. Also selection of good TECs is not necessary any more. The TECs are flexibly packaged without any stresses, which gives a guaranty for a long lasting lifetime and possibilities is to use it in movable components and shocking applications. This is all clamped between cheap simple plastic parts. The water can be cooled by a radiator and a fan.

This principle is tested on several prototypes for different markets, such as: fridge, mobile home cooling system, water chillers, car climate system, and others. Building up the know-how of implementing the cooling system in years, the Dutch company is now able to calculate and certify every kind of cooling from 10 till 2000W with its own patented technology.

According to giant research organisations (like NASA and DOD, Department Of Defence USA) the TEC performance will be able to be increased with factor 3 to 4 with comparison to the current TECs. In this prospect water-cooling technology will be an important factor to maintain TEC cooling performance in the future. When this is realised the cooling system of absorption and low-performance compression technology will be vanished in time.

Innovative Aspects:

The technology is based on Peltier Elements (Electric Cooling Elements) with one or two-sided water-cooling instead of air-cooled technics. When the Peltier Elements are in direct contact with the water flow, the performance of the Peltier Element and thereby the performance of the total cooling system can be increased by several orders of magnitude.

Also this technology is suitable for more than one Peltier element. In this way the performance can be increased to the desired level just by using more Peltier Elements. This can be done by designing the carrier parts suitable for the specific range of Peltier Elements or just by a modular system. This can be realised in an easy design with only using simple, non-complex low-cost plastic parts as carrier for the Peltier Elements.

Main Advantages:

The technology is a cheap, small and powerful alternative for the existing absorption and compressor cooling systems. Although it works with Peltier elements, its performance is by several orders of magnitude higher than the traditional ones. In addition, it is not harmful for the environment and has a multitude of possibilities on the cooling market.


Other Medical/Health Related
Consumer Products
Automobile parts
Mobile homes


Technical Co-operation, License agreement, Commercial Agreement with Technical Assistance,

Application highlights:

Portable cooling boxes and fridges, airco system for vehicles, mobile-home applications, water chillers, medical instruments, and more. All cooling applications from 10W to 2000W

Specific area of activity of the partner:

Organisations that know the water cooling market for mobile applications/appropriate consumer products (for marketing and sales of the technology). Also, partners that see possibilities to implement this cooling technology into their products.